§ 10-21. Miniature swine.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The owner of miniature swine shall annually register the animal with the city. Written application for registration and the payment of applicable registration fees shall be made to the city's central cashier's office. The application shall include the name, address and primary e-mail address of the owner, a description of the animal, and a copy of a current rabies vaccination certificate. Upon acceptance of the application, a city license tag shall be issued, which shall bear an identifying number for the animal and the year of issuance.


    Miniature swine may be kept as pets within the city, subject to the following requirements:


    It shall be unlawful to keep, own, or possess more than one swine per household or business.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain miniature swine in an outdoor enclosure. A person may allow miniature swine outdoors for brief periods not to exceed one hour per occurrence, as necessary, for exercise or for the elimination of waste. The outdoor area used for exercise and waste elimination must be a secure area from which the swine may not escape. Miniature swine are subject to all the other sections of this chapter, including the prohibition of animals running at-large.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain miniature swine within the city, unless the swine have received annual vaccinations against erysipelas, parvo virus, and leptospirosis. The first inoculations for such diseases must be received before the animal is four months of age. Upon request, the owner of miniature swine must provide the animal control officer with a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian within 14 days of vaccination, which shall contain the following information:


    Name, address, primary e-mail address, driver's license number, and telephone number of the owner;


    Name, address, primary e-mail address and telephone number of the licensed veterinarian providing the vaccinations and certificate;


    Name, a recent photograph, and the description of the animal, including age, weight, and height;


    The types and dates of vaccinations;


    A statement of the general health of the animal; and


    Certification that the animal has been either sprayed or neutered.


    It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, keeps, harbors, or has custody of any miniature swine to fail to display on such animal, at all times, a valid city registration and vaccination tag.


    It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, keeps, harbors, or has custody of any miniature swine to display on such miniature swine a registration or vaccination tag issued to another animal.


    All locations where miniature swine are maintained shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.


    If the owner of a miniature swine fails or refuses to comply with any of the requirements of this section, the animal control officer may deny or revoke the animal's registration and order the miniature swine removed from the city. The determination of the animal control officer may be appealed by the owner of the miniature swine to the municipal court.

(Code 1994, § 10-23; Code 2005, § 10-22; Ord. No. 2001-25, § 1(3-47), 1-7-2002)